Thursday, July 12, 2012

Scheduling and some news

As mentioned in previous posts, we will be putting My Annette into Porphy's slot and Lucy-May of the Southern Rainbow into My Annette's slot.  I've already got My Annette episode 13 translated, and it's at my timer right now.

July will be a fairly slow month with regards to releases.  The reason is that the 2nd anniversary of Licca Fansubs is coming up in early August, and we would like to make this year's celebration even bigger than before.  For this purpose, I'm not going to try to translate everything for that on that week, so I would like to spread the translation out.

We hope that you guys will love the celebration we're planning for August 9th.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what's coming up.

  2. I can't wait to see what you guys have planned!

  3. Sounds great!! As aways, thank you so much for subbing these shows.

    I recently re-watched most of Lucy May (raw) and I found it to be a much better show than I remembered. I think many people will enjoy it if they give it a chance.

    Looking forward to the celebration ^_^

  4. Looking forward to it as well.

    Thank you.

  5. Out of the twelve sub or scanlation groups I follow you always do it fast and do it big and I'm really happy for that.

  6. *wonders what the celebration is*

    I hedge my bets that a bunch of WMT episode 1s of untouched series will be subbed as a teaser =/
